Privacy Policy
When the privacy policy applies
This privacy policy applies to personal information supplied to us by you:
- When visiting and using our website
- When visiting and using our learning management system
- When you contact us
The type of information collected by Greenlight
The type of information that Greenlight collects about you depends on how you use our services and the products you purchase through Greenlight.
We collect personal information, such as your name, address, telephone, e-mail address in the following circumstances:
- When you sign up to our website or learning management system
- When you subscribe to our services, for example when you download our free resources such as newsletters, whitepapers, tools etc.
- When you contact us, for example by telephone, email etc.
- When you purchase any of our products
- When you participate in any of our training courses
- When you choose to participate in customer surveys or offers
In addition, when you purchase any of our products we will collect your billing details and general credit information.
What this information is used for and why
We only use the information you supply to us for the purpose of providing you a service. For example, we would use this information:
- For general administration and to maintain training records
- To improve our products and services
- To periodically provide information about new products, services and other interesting information that we think may be of use to you
- From time to time, we may also use your information to contact you for market research purposes.
We will not disclose this information to third parties. The exceptions include:
- As training providers, we may need to liaise with various professional bodies from time to time in order to verify and validate any training you undertake as part of your continuing professional development (CPD) requirements
- If we apply for grant funding on your behalf